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Our Top 3 Tips to Ensure Your Well Water Stays Clean

March 4, 2024

As you likely know, installing a private well can reduce your long-term expenses, increase your property value, and even help your local environment. However, using that type of water supply also means taking on more responsibility. You must always check the quality of the well water to determine if it's safe for drinking. The tips detailed below will help you maintain water quality.

1. Regularly Test Your Private Well Water

The most important element of the maintenance process for private wells is testing. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, around 45% of public supply wells and 37% of domestic supply contain enough lithium to cause health issues. On top of that, wells may also contain fecal coliforms, nitrate, and volatile organic compounds. Regular tests can help you confirm if those contaminants are present in your private well. In our experience, it's best to get your private well tested at least once per year. Additional testing may be required if another water well drill is used nearby to set up another private supply. You should also get more tests done if you have noticed changes in water quality.

2. Use Filters and Tablets to Improve the Quality

Testing your private well water can ensure your supply is safe, but it may not suffice in certain scenarios. For example, you may have noticed something off with the water quality after you sent a sample for testing. Iodine tablets can eliminate the contaminants in your well water, so treating your water with those tablets can make it more suitable for consumption. Installing water filters on your fixtures is also another way to purify your supply. Continually using those filters is also worth considering because they provide an extra layer of protection.

3. Reach Out for Comprehensive Water Treatment Services

At LaBelle Well Drilling & Water Systems, we offer a wide variety of services, including water sampling, flow testing, iron removal, and much more. Keeping up with regular water treatment services is the best way to ensure your water source continues to be reliable for years to come. Don't hesitate to reach out if you think water treatment services are needed.

Using a
water well drill to create your private water supply is a great idea, but you must be prepared for what it entails. There are maintenance tasks you must perform to ensure your water is clean. Contact our team at LaBelle Well Drilling & Water Systems to learn more about those tasks and other essential water safety tips!

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